Quick Integration with other applications
Using the Zapier service you can configure integration with more than 3000 applications (https://zapier.com/explore) yourself without involving IT-professionals. It’s more than tenfold faster and cheaper than classic integration involving developers, coding, and so on.
Using the Process editor add an Integration step into your process diagram. When a process reaches this step, another application can exchange information with Workflowsoft.
In the Integration step, enter a name for the step and add any fields you want to be available to the application you are integrating with. Next you can configure in Zapier how information from these fields will be used.
1. In Zapier, configure the trigger New Integration Step - it activates when the Workflowsoft process reaches the Integration step. In the trigger settings, when choosing a Workflowsoft account to connect, make sure that you are logged into Workflowsoft as a user who is a Workflowsoft administrator. Next, in the trigger settings, select the process name and the name of the Integration step. After the trigger activates in Zapier, all fields from this Integration step will be available in Zapier.
2. In Zapier, configure the activity Complete Integration Step - it updates information in process fields and marks the Integration step as completed, so the Workflowsoft process will continue to execute the next steps.
In the activity settings, when choosing a Workflowsoft account to connect, make sure that you are logged into Workflowsoft as a user who is a Workflowsoft administrator. Next, in the activity settings select the process name and the name of the Integration step. Fill in the mandatory field Integration step ID - it’s a unique number for the Integration step, you will get it from the New Integration Step trigger, which you configured earlier.
Next, in the settings for the Complete Integration Step activity you see all the fields which you added in the Integration step in the Workflowsoft Process editor. You can fill in these fields with any information available in Zapier. This information will be passed to the Workflowsoft process.
You have completed integration - getting information from Workflowsoft to Zapier and passing new information from Zapier to Workflowsoft.
As an example of this kind of integration - during Workflowsoft process execution you can get information about events from your Google or Microsoft calendar, change this information, and update your events in the calendar. Configuring this integration will take no more than half an hour of your time and won’t involve IT-professionals.